Deana Huffman Kittle - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Deana Huffman Kittle - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Before I joined Scentsy, I was a candle-aholic. I worked at a Hallmark store when I was in high school and part of college that led to this addiction. I was introduced to Scentsy in the fall of 2010 when a consultant came by the vet clinic I worked at and dropped off the scent testers for us to get an order together. I made a list of my favorite scents, but decided to hold off on ordering right then because I just wasn't ready to give up candles.
In November 2010, my sorority held its first Pink Sunday event, where the proceeds went to our international philanthropy and to help the collegiate chapter. At this event, one of my sorority sisters had a Scentsy booth set up. I was able to see the products up close and personal, and finally gave in. After all, I was there for like 5 hours, and kept going by and sniffing and checking things out. It was bound to happen: me buying something. I also took a Join brochure to find out how I could use this company to help myself into a better financial situation.

I joined Scentsy in January 2011, and my only regret is that I wish I would've started sooner!

Scentsy has helped me to overcome obstacles (shyness and introverted). I'm also better at goal setting now, and am ready to grow my business even more! I'm happy to say that since being introduced to Scentsy, I will never go back to regular candles. I love my job and where it's brought me as a person, showing me that even through setbacks, success is still possible. And because of Scentsy, I've been able to go around the country and earn free vacations!

At the end of 2019 we welcomed our first child into our family and I am SO happy to have Scentsy to be able to help with expenses related to having a baby.

If you would like more information about Scentsy and the awesome opportunity it offers, please contact me. I would love to help you get started on your own Scentsy Journey!

What's warming in my home